Nutrition to Combat Anxiety

Anxiety is inevitable. We all feel it from time to time. While some have it more than others, it creeps up on us all. The good news? There are foods and natural herbs that can help prevent and cope with anxiety when it rears its ugly head. So lets get into it!

 Brazil nuts: These guys are selenium superstars and contain the highest levels of selenium of any food. Eating 2-3 brazil nuts provides your recommended daily intake of the trace mineral.  Studies have shown that supplementing the diet with selenium can help improve mood and those deficient in selenium are more likely to be depressed. I think we can all manage to eat 2 Brazil nuts a day!  

 Swiss Chard is high in magnesium, an essential mineral for neurological health. The American diet can actually be deficient in magnesium because of the overconsumption of refined carbs and lack of vegetables. Low magnesium levels are linked to anxiety, irritability, confusion and sleepiness. 

 Salmon is full of the omega-3’s EPA and DHA as well as vitamin D, salmon is an anxiety crusher. EPA and DHA help regulate neurotransmitters dopamine an serotonin which allow us to feel happier and more relaxed. Vitamin D (which can get low especially in the winter months) also helps boost our “feel good” neurotransmitters. 

Dark Chocolate- there is actually a reason we turn to chocolate when we are feeling blue. The flavanols in dark chocolate improve blood flow to the brain allowing us to better deal with stressful situations. Dark chocolate has also been shown to increase serotonin levels  to help reduce anxiety. One study showed that people who ate 40 grams of dark chocolate every day over a two week period reported significantly lower levels of stress! Opt for fair trade dark chocolate with over 70% cacao and keep your portions mindful. 

 Oats are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which is converted to serotonin in the body and can promote relaxation. Turkey is another more well known source of tryptophan due to the famous Thanksgiving “turkey coma”.

Along with food there are powerful natural herbs we can take to supplement our diet and help prevent or battle anxiety.

Ashwaganda is getting to be more well known despite its hard to say name. It is part of a large group of herbs known as adaptogens- they help our bodies adapt better to stress. Ashwaganda comes in supplement or powder form. We recommend a daily dose to promote relaxation and ease anxiety. I take Ashwaganda daily in my Love Wellness Good to Glow supplement. Along with Ashwaganda it contains Vitamin E and C, Biotin, Collagen, and Zinc, all known for their skin boosting properties to give us that glow. Easing anxiety while giving my skin a glow up? Yes, please!

Magnesium- Magnesium in a mineral that plays an important role in regulating neurotransmitters which send messages to the brain and body. Magnesium is important for boosting serotonin and dopamine levels. I love Love Wellness #Mood Pills because they contain magnesium along with other herbs like St. John’s Wort, Ginko leaf powder and Vitamin B6 which are known to help enhance mood and get you out of that funk

 Valerian Root is known as “nature’s Valium” and can also promote feelings of calm and relaxation. The Valerenic acid has been found to inhibit the breakdown of GABA in the brain, leading to feelings of tranquility. Unless taking it before bed, start with a microdose to avoid sleepiness. 

A daily probiotic is important to keep your gut microbiome balanced and strong. A weak microbiome can cause increased anxiety and mood disorders. Physical and mental health all begins in your gut.

 Just as important as what we put in our bodies is what we keep out. If you are suffering from anxiety, avoid excess caffeine, alcohol and sugar as they can exacerbate those negative feelings. 

Getting enough sleep, taking social media detoxes and making sure you have a strong support circle of friends and family are the other pillars of coping with stress and anxiety. We all deal with anxiety so don’t be afraid to talk about it, and definitely do not be afraid to ask for a hug when you need it! 
